On Thursday, last week, the Cub Scouts went to the lake. My friend Andrea's family has a boat and jet ski they were so generous to share. I was able to go as an adult chaperone and had a good time watching the boys and riding and driving a jet ski. I've never been on a jet ski before, but I had a blast. I had a great time hitting the waves, just ask Andrea and Joe, for that matter. Anyway, it was a blast and I know the kids had a ton of fun. Thanks Andrea's Dad, Andrea, and Nick!
Nice boat, huh. Here it is coming to the dock so everyone can get in.
Apparently four is a record number on the tube at one time. We weren't sure they'd all stay on, but they managed very well.
Doesn't that look like fun!
Jared and Grant are on the tube and they said they wanted a fast ride. This ride ended with Jared falling off and the tube flipping over and dumping Grant off. They had a great ride while it lasted.
Grant, Nick, and Jared on the jet ski. They hit some good waves and caught some air on that thing. They like to go fast!
Here's what it looked like from inside the boat. If they weren't on the ski or the tube, they were peering out the back of the boat and enjoying what they saw.
Between every tube and ski ride, everyone took a few minutes in the water.
Here's Andrea's Dad. It was so great of him to take his time to man the boat so the boys could have so much fun. Thanks again!
I'm so glad you could go with us. It was fun. I won't soon forget our crazy jet ski ride. My throat was sore the next day from screaming so much.
Wow!!! Sounds like you are having so much fun this summer! It is great to hear how you are all doing!
I'm glad you shared these photos! Your blog sure is cute these days.
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