Here's a picture of what my car said the outside temperature was on November 3, 2008. It's usually very accurate when I compare it to what the weather reports say. So, I have no need to think it's not accurate this time. It's supposed to be about the same temperature today and who knows how much longer. It is wonderful when the weather is less humid and cooler, but not cold. I love it! Here's another picture I took within a minute of the previous picture. This was more common about three or four years ago. About three weeks ago I told Robert that it would be so great if gas cost less than $2 per gallon again, but I doubt it will. Surprise! Something actually went my way (along with millions of other people). I've heard we have some of the lowest prices in the nation, and I know Oklahoma City is even cheaper. Janine, what does a gallon of gas go for over there these days?
I've loved the warm temps, too. It looks like it's getting cold tonight, and that's a little sad!
I'm glad you're still coming to boot's fun to have you there!
Same as there, although today it is back to 1.99.
Whoa! Awesome gas prices!
whoops! the anonymous was me! I don't know why it went to anonymous?
Karen McMaster
We're still a bit higher "up North". $2.19 is what the pumps say this morning. We had our 70 degree weather last week as well. What a difference 7 days makes! Now the high is supposed to be about 38 today.
Wow, I can't believe 79 degrees is COLD for you guys. That seems kinda a little hot in WI
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