Friday, June 13, 2008

Oreo...Poor Dog

Tuesday afternoon Oreo got out of the yard. When he was younger he would have run for hours, but he is a lot more calm and we don't worry about him getting away so much. He simply went next door to visit a dog he often hears. The neighbor dog is a boxer, and a big one. He is easily five times Oreo's size, and he is a mean dog. Oreo has no experience with bad dogs and so went up to play with him, and he ended up getting bit, rather bad. He came in the house with his tail between his legs, and just wanted to be left alone. Wednesday he came out limping, favoring his right hind leg. A delicate inspection indicated it had a good bite mark but didn't appear to be infected. Dad and Mom are the only ones able to look at it, as he is very protective of it. We will watch him for the next day or so. I hope he feels better.


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